The coasts of Costa Rica, two hundred kilometers apart, are perfect examples of sensible, high standard tourism, geared towards discovering and protecting Central American ecosystems.

Bordering the Caribbean to the north-east, a one-hour flight or five-hour bus and boat ride from the capital San José, you’ll find the Tortuguero National Park. Covering an area of 310 km2, this natural reservation is the nesting site for a large variety of marine turtles. You can witness the spectacular event at night, led by an experienced local guide.

This biological sanctuary, the wildest place in the country, can be explored by boat, or in a kayak as a sportier option. Cruise through a maze of navigable canals, surrounded by lush, primary forest. It’s a unique opportunity to see more than 400 species of birds in their natural habitat during their migration period, and hundreds of species of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, including the famous jaguar.

Follow the same latitude line towards the Pacific coast to Guanacaste Province, and it’s a whole new scenery.
A four-hour drive or one-hour flight from San José, this region is just as lush, boasting a natural habitat with myriad animals, plants and sublime landscapes.

From Samara, protected by its coral reefs where snorkelers can see manta rays, turtles and an array of tropical fish, to Puerto Carrillo and Punta Islita, where you can go fishing and scuba diving, you can above
all relax and enjoy leisurely strolls along some of the most beautiful beaches of Coast Rica. Cruises are also organized during certain seasons to observe whales, dolphins and manta rays: an unforgettable experience.

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